PenTBox is a Security Suite that packs security and stability testing oriented tools for networks and systems.
Programmed in Ruby and oriented to GNU/Linux systems, but compatible with Windows, MacOS and every systems where Ruby works.
It is free, licensed under GNU/GPLv3.
If you want to report errors, give feedback and new code or ideas, contact.
PenTBox es una Suite de Seguridad que reune herramientas orientadas a testear la seguridad y estabilidad de redes y sistemas.
Programado en Ruby y orientado a sistemas GNU/Linux, pero compatible con Windows, MacOS y todos los sistemas en los que Ruby funciona.
Es libre, licenciado bajo GNU/GPLv3.
Si quieres reportar errores, dar feedback y nuevo codigo u ideas, contacta.
Version 1.4
- Code adapted to work with ruby1.9.x and jRuby (more performance, native Threads …).
- Optimized TCP Port Scanner, and ping check before scan.
- Optimized hash_cracker.rb
- Renewed interface with colors (only unix-like) and improvements.
- Included RIPEMD-160 to Hash Password Cracker and Multi-Digest.
- Added native mode in SYN DoS that uses Raw Sockets.
- Added a new mode in the fuzzer -> HTTP headers client fuzzing.
- Added protected mode -> Only root can use DoS tools, excellent for installations in servers.
- Added a simple configuration in pentbox.rb for interface colors and protected mode.
- Unified syn_dos.rb and tcp_dos.rb in one, net_dos.rb
- Included pentbox-wlist.txt, that can be used with hash_cracker.rb
- New libraries bit-struct, net/dns.rb and racket.
- dns_search.rb included -> DNS and host gathering with NS, MX, SHODAN, A bruteforce and PTR IP range.